I turned 46 years old this year. By any definition of the term, I am squarely in “midlife”. I’m now old enough to enjoy doing crossword puzzles, but I’m still young enough to spend way too much time on TikTok. I’ve been lucky enough to do a lot of interesting things, but there’s also a ton of things I’d still like to do.

I don’t feel “old”. Honestly, I feel younger than I have for the past decade. I’m in the best shape of my life and I kind of sort of finally have my shit together. I’m pretty happy with how my life has gone and is going. All that said, I feel like I’ve been doing the same thing for a long time, and I want to try new things. I feel like it’s time for my second act.

To that end, I’ve spent the past few years amassing the skills and equipment (and facilities) to produce a range of video content. I didn’t really know what I was going to do. I figured if I had what I needed to make the videos, I’d be ready when I had ideas. I think I finally have some ideas that are worth investing time in.

I say all the time that my life is lived in projects. I love gaining new knowledge and learning new skills. There’s two sides to that, though. I have lots of interesting experiences, but I also leave a lot of things unfinished. I used to think this was bad, but I’ve come to embrace it. It’s the journey that matters, and I’m doing what I love at a given moment for myself. My hobbies and interests aren’t “mine”, I just invite them in for a while, learn what I can from them and send them on their way. They don’t get offended if I don’t achieve mastery.

To that end, I’d like to welcome you to my “midlife reinvention”. Through my YouTube Channel, I’ll be chronicling my various adventures as I try new things and return to projects I really wanted to finish but haven’t gotten back around to. I think it will be at least entertaining, but I my real hope is that able to inspire you to try new things. I hope you’ll come with me on my journey.

Make Food With Me - Episode 1 - Denver(ish) Omelet →