Jaybill McCarthy is a male human being that inhabits a farm in a somewhat rural area not terribly far from Portland, Oregon. He is married to one Erin McCarthy. They have one child who is reportedly super great.

I used to get upset that I didn’t stick with hobbies or interests for super long periods of time. I’d take up something new, obsess over it for a while, learn everything I could about it, then move on to something else.

I’ve done everything from filmmaking to building furniture to launching a startup and a hundred other things in between. There’s also a never ending list of things things I’d still like to do. I used to think this was a bad thing. I felt like a failure because I never stuck things out to the point of really mastering them. Now I look at it differently. My life is lived in projects. It’s the pursuit of new skills and new knowledge that drives me. It’s about the journeys I get to go on.

What I want to do now is take other people on those journeys. I want them to come with me as I try new things. I want people to experience joy with me. I want them to see me succeed, but also want them to see me fail. I want to show my authentic, honest, human self in the hopes that people will be inspired to try new things for themselves.

About this site

This site is hand-crafted and intended to be as lightweight and accessible as possible. It uses minimal tooling and strives to be as minimal as possible. It uses the Hugo static site generator and a tiny bit of the Spectre CSS framework. It’s responsive from the ground up and works well on everything from mobile phones to 4K monitors.

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